2021年7月16日 in 经济新闻
千航国际从事亚马逊FBA头程运输门到门服务,含(FBA海运_FBA空运_FBA快递) 并与各大船公司建立了长期稳定的合作伙伴关系,承接拼箱、整柜、快递、卡车直接入仓。
从客户提货点直达亚马逊。我们知道亚马逊对预约者的要求及预约时的注意事项.极少发生不能预约导致客户货物延迟的意外情况。自 1998 年以来作为孟加拉国的独家代理。自过去 12 年以来,我们在 H'ble 主席 Sheikh Hafizur Rahman 先生的直接监督下,成功地支持了 SCI 进出口集装箱贸易。在 H'ble 董事总经理 Syed Badrul Alam 先生和 H'ble 副董事总经理 Zahid Husain 先生的指导下,我们经验丰富且专业的团队正在提供卓越的服务。目前,我们的服务覆盖从吉大港/蒙格拉/ICD-达卡经科伦坡到各个目的地,特别是欧洲、地中海港口、非洲和中东。我们的校长总部位于孟买,在孟加拉国,我们的总部位于达卡,在吉大港和库尔纳设有两个运营办事处。
10. Standby generator.
11. Well Equipped with fire fighting equipments.
12. 24 hours operation round the clock.
13. The whole ICD is monitored by CCTV camera including special security arrangements. The whole project is fitted with floodlights installed by the Chinese.
14. QNS can store empty container up to 6 high levels and laden container up to 5 high levels.
15. Web based software data storing systems, clients can see their operational status by logging into QNS server with a password. Main Domain Server based at USA.
16. 24 hours custom facilities for documentation for completion of Export and Import formalities.
17. Separate Shed for Jute cargoes handling and Import de-stuffing.
18. Since QNS is situated inside CEPZ it is highly protected by BEPZA own security systems & also monitored by different Government surveillance systems.
千航国际从事亚马逊FBA头程运输门到门服务,含(FBA海运_FBA空运_FBA快递) 并与各大船公司建立了长期稳定的合作伙伴关系,承接拼箱、整柜、快递、卡车直接入仓。
从客户提货点直达亚马逊。我们知道亚马逊对预约者的要求及预约时的注意事项.极少发生不能预约导致客户货物延迟的意外情况。自 1998 年以来作为孟加拉国的独家代理。自过去 12 年以来,我们在 H'ble 主席 Sheikh Hafizur Rahman 先生的直接监督下,成功地支持了 SCI 进出口集装箱贸易。在 H'ble 董事总经理 Syed Badrul Alam 先生和 H'ble 副董事总经理 Zahid Husain 先生的指导下,我们经验丰富且专业的团队正在提供卓越的服务。目前,我们的服务覆盖从吉大港/蒙格拉/ICD-达卡经科伦坡到各个目的地,特别是欧洲、地中海港口、非洲和中东。我们的校长总部位于孟买,在孟加拉国,我们的总部位于达卡,在吉大港和库尔纳设有两个运营办事处。
10. Standby generator.
11. Well Equipped with fire fighting equipments.
12. 24 hours operation round the clock.
13. The whole ICD is monitored by CCTV camera including special security arrangements. The whole project is fitted with floodlights installed by the Chinese.
14. QNS can store empty container up to 6 high levels and laden container up to 5 high levels.
15. Web based software data storing systems, clients can see their operational status by logging into QNS server with a password. Main Domain Server based at USA.
16. 24 hours custom facilities for documentation for completion of Export and Import formalities.
17. Separate Shed for Jute cargoes handling and Import de-stuffing.
18. Since QNS is situated inside CEPZ it is highly protected by BEPZA own security systems & also monitored by different Government surveillance systems.