2018年12月3日 in 空运价格查询
Consolidation services
The LCL/FCL Consolidation Services to and from HK/S.E. Asia were started in 2007, handled products include garments, electronic products, PC accessories, toys and many other merchandise. Business performance has been remarkably increased, to around 2,000 TEUs in 2012.
Pioneer Sea & Air Limited (PSA) helps consolidate goods from multiple suppliers for delivery to one customer, or the other way round, pick up goods from one supplier for delivery to various customers. Using our own facilities, the "consolidated goods" will first go to our own warehouses, then loaded to full containers for Ocean Freight Export to various destinations. 我公司与众多船务公司直接签约,多年来一直与其保持着良好的合作关系,在全球各大航线有较强的运价优势。公司拥有众多熟悉货代业务,并具有高度敬业精神的专业人员,能为客户妥善办理各类进出口货物承运业务,可随时接受客户有关航线、船期及运杂费用等信息咨询。同时我们善于从各个方面为客户想办法减少成本、提高效率,大连中寰物流将会是您满意的服务团队和理想的合作伙伴。
The LCL/FCL Consolidation Services to and from HK/S.E. Asia were started in 2007, handled products include garments, electronic products, PC accessories, toys and many other merchandise. Business performance has been remarkably increased, to around 2,000 TEUs in 2012.
Pioneer Sea & Air Limited (PSA) helps consolidate goods from multiple suppliers for delivery to one customer, or the other way round, pick up goods from one supplier for delivery to various customers. Using our own facilities, the "consolidated goods" will first go to our own warehouses, then loaded to full containers for Ocean Freight Export to various destinations. 我公司与众多船务公司直接签约,多年来一直与其保持着良好的合作关系,在全球各大航线有较强的运价优势。公司拥有众多熟悉货代业务,并具有高度敬业精神的专业人员,能为客户妥善办理各类进出口货物承运业务,可随时接受客户有关航线、船期及运杂费用等信息咨询。同时我们善于从各个方面为客户想办法减少成本、提高效率,大连中寰物流将会是您满意的服务团队和理想的合作伙伴。