【拼箱】 K-LINE, Maersk 船务代理

2013年7月18日 in 空运公司
1: 航空公司资源强大:---------- 多年人脉关系,公司与超过100家航空公司有签约关系,并有包板,包量,甚至包机运营.让公司在价格和服务竞争上面占有先机.

2:员工队伍强大专业:--------- 所有员工均为大学以上文化,并由富有多年经验的物流专业高材生领头,均已取得物流师资格和中国航空运输协会岗位资格证书.工作勤奋,热情,细心,认真.

3:管理先进高效:----------------- 公司引进先进的管理软件,并拥有强大的IT团队,从提货,进仓,报关,离港,中转,到港,全程高效流水作业,全程监控,适时反馈货物运行情况.
  For many years we have always been the first-line agent for domestic airlines such as CA, HU, MU, and ZH, and international airlines such as AK, BR, CI, KE, MI, OZ, SQ and UPS, providing international air export forwarding services from our b...

International ocean shipping Our company holds non-vessel operation carrier’s license, and has signed contract with many shipping companies. Among them, shipping services provided by COSCO, EMC, K-LINE, Maersk Line are our main products, while we are also the agent for the container tran...
Customs clearance service   Our company has the complete qualification for customs clearance. Our professional customs clearance team can provide export/ import customs/ quarantine clearance services according to your commission. For those who do not have import/ export qualificat...

