【拼箱】imported and exported

2012年8月10日 in 国际空运
海运出口是公司规模最大的经营项目。目前公司与三十多家船公司签署了长期合约,包括与现代,中外运、中海、中远、美国总统轮船、马士基、铁行渣华、韩进、长荣、阳明、达飞、太平、意大利邮船、地中海航运等众多世界知名船公司有着良好、长期的合作伙伴关系。处理来往全球各港口的进出口货运。包括散货,整箱及拼箱等、海运租船订舱服务、操作超重件、超大件货物的货运服务、中国各港,国外目的港的口岸报关、转关、报检、查验、工地至工地的多式联运服务、集装箱装箱、拆箱的门到门运输服务。We offer the shipping containers and LCL service for the journey to and from Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, Australia, South America and Japan, and render the door-to-door full-process service at a competitive rate. By means of the accurate cost accounting, we provide clients with the most economical and the quickest ocean freight service. Signing a long-term cooperative agreement with many world-famous liner companies, we can make arrangement of the appropriate liner for all kinds of imported and exported goods and provide a timely schedule for allocation of cargoes and the cargo pickup and delivery service by trailers。
Special containers business like: putting suitcase, open top containers, the framework containers, 45-foot containers, refrigerated containers, such as TANK containers.

