欧洲海运公司 欧洲广州代理货代公司

2012年11月19日 in 海运运输
We are living and growing proof that as a provider of professional logistics solutions for P.R.China and overseas companies we know what our customers are looking for and fill their needs.

With a portfolio of services that Include air and sea cargo forwarding and transportation, China transportation, international consolidator and customs clearing agent we will be able to help you get your product to the right place at the right time for the right price and in the right condition . . . 操作服务水平日臻完善,出口从接货到配舱个环节井然有序。形成了一条龙服务。公司目前拥有自己的外贸仓库,为客户的货物进出港提供了便利的条件。
Tag: 欧洲  
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