曼彻斯特国际海运进/出口 曼彻斯特物流出境出中国海运
2012年11月23日 in 国际空运
曼彻斯特海运公司.曼彻斯特广州拼箱广州整箱海运.曼彻斯特英国货代公司Customs Clearance
We have qualified Customs clearance specialists around the world to help you plan and structure your importing procedures and thus facilitate your trade flows.
We are experienced at every kind of Customs transaction, from the most routine to the most complex. With our special attention, you are assured proper handling and prompt clearance of every shipment.目前在国内21城市设有分支机构:北京、天津、厦门、福州、深圳、南京、无锡、南通、杭州、青岛、宁波、合肥、常州、东莞、蛇口、惠洲、汕头、泉洲、扬州、松江。在美国纽约、洛杉矶,华贸拥有自己的公司,另外在世界各地拥有完善的代理网络可以为客户提供优质服务。
We have qualified Customs clearance specialists around the world to help you plan and structure your importing procedures and thus facilitate your trade flows.
We are experienced at every kind of Customs transaction, from the most routine to the most complex. With our special attention, you are assured proper handling and prompt clearance of every shipment.目前在国内21城市设有分支机构:北京、天津、厦门、福州、深圳、南京、无锡、南通、杭州、青岛、宁波、合肥、常州、东莞、蛇口、惠洲、汕头、泉洲、扬州、松江。在美国纽约、洛杉矶,华贸拥有自己的公司,另外在世界各地拥有完善的代理网络可以为客户提供优质服务。
Tag: 曼彻斯特海运